A guide to ending mental healh stigma in the workplace
Link: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sites/default/files/assets/document/Mental-Health-Matters-web.pdf
Language: English
Description: This guide is aimed at employers and employees who want to create a workplace culture where everyone feels comfortable
having open and honest conversations about mental health.
After reading this booklet, you will be able to:
Understand what mental health stigma is
Be able to recognise stigmatising behaviours in the workplace
Be equipped with the tools to challenge stigma in the workplace
Understand more about the legislation in relation to mental health in the workplace
Be comfortable talking about mental health in the workplace
Research methodology.
This guide incorporates data from an online omnibus study of 650+ participants to understand the working population’s view towards mental health stigma and gauge the incidence of, and perceptions towards, mental health issues in the workplace.
The research was conducted in December 2020.
Author: See Change is Ireland’s national mental health stigma reduction partnership. Its work is informed by people with lived experiences of mental health difficulties, including its 50+ Ambassadors, who are best placed to give insight into mental health stigma and discrimination.
See Change run the annual national Green Ribbon campaign which aims to prompt conversations about mental health to end stigma and discrimination. Wearing a Green Ribbon – an international symbol of mental health awareness – shows others that you are open to starting positive conversations about mental health.