A publicly available and multi-lingual data base that provides a searchable repository of practices, policies and lessons learned in relation to effective promotion of mental health in the workplace applied in the context of SMEs.
How to use the database
The database was created as part of the Erasmus+ WELL@SME project, which aims to inform and
train employees and managers/owners of SMEs to prevent and contrast work-related stress and
negative mental health impact of working conditions. It is precisely this objective that the database
seeks to address by collecting best practices of workplace interventions concerning health and
wellbeing. This tool, in fact, is a publicly available and multi-lingual data base that provides a
searchable repository of practices, policies and lessons learned in relation to effective promotion of
mental health in the workplace applied in the context of SMEs.
Any user, either owner or employee of a small or medium-sized enterprise, can navigate through
this database and search for what they require. The specific objective of this tool is to provide
users (mainly HR managers, SME associations, mental health workers, policy and decision
makers) with practical examples complemented by appropriate tools.
Furthermore, in terms of impact, the database can be a practically usable resource for
professionals and policy makers, since it will simplify the process of implementing programmes and
initiatives at the local level, as it allows them to build on existing experiences and lessons learnt.
The database collects documents such as reports, assessment tools, leaflets, information tools, prevention posters and similar materials, all focusing on the topic of health and well-being at the workplace. All documents were collected by the project partnership on the basis of common criteria and thus offer national as well as International and European insights. The countries in the partnership and consequently involved in the research were Denmark, Italy, Greece, Finland, Portugal, Ireland, Latvia and Belgium, but resources from other countries were also included. The resources included in the database are very wide-ranging as they come from many different sources, however common criteria were selected to guide the partnership’s research. Specifically,
the research of materials was based on fundamental resources such as:
– Surveys among member states from the EU Compass for Mental Health and Wellbeing;
– The thematic report of the Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing on mental health at the workplace;
– The 2014 EU report ‘Evaluation of policy and practice to promote mental health in the workplace in Europe’;
– The report of World Health Organization European Office on Policies and Practices for Mental Health in Europe. Meeting the challenges;
– The 2017 EU report on ‘Physical activity at the workplace’;
– Reports produced by the World Health Organization on mental health and occupational health;
– Reports produced by the European Agency for Safety & Health at Work;
– Reports produced by the European Foundation for Living & Working Conditions;
– Reports produced by the International Labour Organization.
In order to make the user experience as simple and effective as possible, filters have been designed and created to select the material you are interested in. The three key filters of the database are:
– Target, which defines the target group to which the resource is addressed,
– Country, which defines the origin of the resource, and lastly
– Type, which defines the category and nature of the material considered.
The first filter Target allows to find all the recipients of the collected materials, which have been identified in the following categories:
Experts (OSH, HR, Psychosocial)
General public
Health professionals
Human resources
Managers and Leaders
The second filter Country describes the origin of the selected material and allows to identify the
following countries:
United Kingdom
The last filter Type allows to select the type of material, depending on what we are interested in:
All Categories
Good practice
Information leaflet
Informative guide
Risk assessment tool
Training material
Webinar / seminar
Once you have selected the filter you are interested in, click on the SUBMIT button to confirm your selection and the database system will automatically take you to all the available resources that fall under the filter you have chosen.
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Get knowledge and tools to make the difficult conversations (a little) easier!…
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Get knowledge and tools to make the difficult conversations (a little) easier!…